About Me, Myself and I

So. Hello. How are you? 🙂

This is what I believe society calls a Page and according to the heading it’s about me, soooo I’ll jump right in and start by telling you guys a little something about myself and what I hope this blog will be about. 😉

I’m a 17-year-old student living in Austria. It’s a small country in Europe and is often confused with Australia, which is why we now sell T-Shirts with the phrase “No kangaroos in Austria” on them. If you ask me the weather could use some improvement as well as the school system, but that’s just me. Oh and my name is Cora.

If I have a few moments to spare I love spending time in the kitchen baking. Nothing fancy just whipping up some cookies or cupcakes or granola bars or whatever I need to keep me satisfied for the upcoming days. 😛 Also I really, really love writing and have been looking for a creative outlet for aaaages and so far blogging seems to be perfect!!!! I’ll probably be writing about random thoughts that pop into my head, school days, recipes and you know just write. 

Sooo, uumm, yeah, that’s it for the moment and thank you so much for checking out my blog!! Have a marvelous day!!!!!!!! 😀


PS: I enjoy the use of smileys 🙂

17 thoughts on “About Me, Myself and I

  1. Just imagine if you (Austria) get kangaroos and use it as part of your tourism advertisement. The country will be flooded by those thinking they booked a trip to Australia. Would be really nice.
    Austria it’s a really nice place, specially over winter.
    Anyhow, welcome to WP.


  2. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award | Breathing in Fiction

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