Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

It might seem crazy what I’m about to say    (*Whoo*)
Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break   (*Aaah*)
I’m a hot air balloon that could go to space
With the air, like I don’t care baby by the way

(Sorry…. Is the song stuck in your head now? Good *evil satisfied smirk with squinting eyes*)

I apologize.

*Ahem. Ahem.*

back to business.

Oh my goodness. I did absolutely nothing today. Nothing.

Zip, Nada, Niet.(I think the last one’s russian…. o.o )

Seriously, I got home from school plonked down on my bed listened….Waaaait!!!  I’m gonna make a list 😀 (I’ve always wanted to do one of those 😛 )

What I should be doing VS. What I am actually doing:

o Study Latin Vocab

o Study for Chemistry Test

o Study for Psycho Test

o Write English Homework

o Finish Math Homework

o Finish French Homework


+ Listening to Music

+ Cleaning my Room

+ Singing/ Dancing awkwardly around my Room

+ Feeding my Furdiburd ❤ 😛

+ Playing Mini-Games on Furdiburb

+ Wearing Super-Fluffy-White Socks (!!!!!!)

+ Blogging the day away

+ Being in a Frigging Awesome Mood!!!! 😀 ❤

I’m so happy right now I feel like I’m bubbling 🙂  I’ll probably hate myself tomorrow, but ….you know what NO!!!! I will not be one of those silly people who relax one day and curse themselves for it the next!!

Nawa I’m gonna stop this craziness right now!

I was unproductive and I’m proud of it!!!!! 

Ha! Beat that mindset, workaholic society!!!!

(Sorry I get sassy when I’m happy)

But seriously this is such a bad habit we’ve picked up over the years. I don’t know about you, but I always feel sorta guilty when I decide to take a break from work. Like it’s something bad and I have to do it in secret……… But why? We deserve to take a break every now and then (read: every day for at least an hour). I actually work better after I spent some time just goofing off…

Why does society expect us to work 24/7…..?

People deserve a break without having to feel guilty about it!!!!

Procrastination Rules!!!!!! 😛

(weeell sometimes… 😉 )

6 thoughts on “Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

  1. Pingback: It’s Dec. 25th…. Whatever could this post be about…? | Apricots and Cream

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