The post where risk depriving you of your human rights…

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!

Ok some of you ย may remember me. I switch from a blog to a self hosted one a few months back. Ring a bell? Naah I don’t blame you ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyways the biggest drawback was losing all of you in the process.

But I just discovered a way to turn my biggest dream ย (yes I have a pathetically lame life)ย into reality!!!

I can actually (and this is a real thing so hold on tight) “transfer” all you wonderful people from this blog to my new site!!!

How awesome is that!!?

fiesta smiley

Will that be okay for you? ๐Ÿ™‚

I really hope it is.

But if not and you feel like I’m taking away your right of freedom just unfollow, ok?

No hard feelings.

Pinky Swear.

Ok, here goes.

Hopefullyย I’ll ย see you on the other side!



This is emotional blackmailing and I know it

Dear Lovely Readers,

as some of you may know, I recently switched sites and…

…you know what would mean the world to me?? ๐Ÿ™‚

If me dear beloved readers made the transition with me? Please? I don’t want to lose you guys!!

So could y’all could move yourselves over to the new and improved Apricots and Cream and follow and support me there that be great. ๐Ÿ˜€

maybe with a cherry on top?

It would mean soooooooo much to me!!!!

I’m like almost begging here!!!

I will send cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!

These could be yours, all you have to do is come to the dark side ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜›



Nothing much to see here just me being all smushy and grateful

First off, I’d like to thank all you wonderful people for the sweet words you left me on my last few posts!!!

I’m really sorry for not replying, it’s just whenever I start thinking about a nice way to respond my brain goes all mushy and blank…. So I figured it was better not to answer and seem all mysterious and busy with my awesome and buzzingย life (haha, can’t even say it with a straight face) ย instead of puking jumbled up words back at you… (Ain’t that just like the most beautiful metaphor you have ever heard..?)

My point (and yes I do have one): Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging comments and I swear I’m reading them and I appreciate them so, SO much!!!!

(While we’re on the topic of hugging read this ๐Ÿ‘‡ย it is HILARIOUS!!)

(….at least in my sick and twisted mind it is ๐Ÿ˜› )

So, I’ve got to be honest with you, this post strictly speaking doesn’t really have a “content”ย (unless of course you count hugs.. In that case this post is full of them!!!ย )

I just had this unbearable urge to write!!!



Just write, write, write!! Sure I could do it in the quiet of my room but what kinda fun would that be ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d complain to you about school and all the work they are making us do, but I don’t want to… I’m in this precious yet delicate “happy bubble” and I don’t want to pop it, not yet… and I’m guessing you know how easily that happens, am I right?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

So let’s make some small talk instead ๐Ÿ™‚

I decided to let me hair grow (can you believe I’m a 17 year old girl who has NEVER had long hair!! The longest ย I’ve ever had stopped at my chin… I know right?! Like O.M.GEEE)

Awkward realization I had a few days back: Making new friends? NOT my thing!! Like nuuah. Nope. Nopenopenopenope

(Ok point has been made… moving on!)

Yes has a matter of fact I am slightly hungry.

What??! You want to take me out to dinner?? No, I can’t except….

Well if you insist…. Gosh you’re really sweet you know that??

Hahaha of course you do XD

Let me just quickly grab my purse!

Got it! Leet’s go!!

Cheers! ๐Ÿ˜›

This love has taken it’s toll, she said goodbye too many times before

(Disclaimer: This post has nothing to do with the heading I’m just listening to the song at the moment and I love it ๐Ÿ™‚ย ๐Ÿ˜)

Do you know that feeling when everything is just too much!!!!! School, friends, blogging, life, just everything!!! Iย feel like I’m in some dream watching passively day in day out, sometimes trying to grasp hold of something only to let it slip away moments later…

Graduation is app. 1 year away and already they are making us write like this HUGE essay and there’s no avoiding itย otherwise we’re not allowed to participate in the final exams. And the platform where we were supposed to upload our layout and index (yes it needs an index) and yadiyadiyaa crashed!!! For like A WEEK!!! And all the schools are freaking out, all the teachers are nervous and I’m not even mentioning the stress the students are feeling (I should add, Austria’s school system changed drastically half a year ago and we’re all still trying to cope with the alterations…. the essay is one of them… *shudders in disgust*)

All my friends talk about is the stupid essay and the crashed site and how stressed they all are and, I don’t know about you, but that makes me even MORE stressed and strung out and panicky. The teachers are constantly asking us if the website is back on and if we already upload our things because the deadline is next week!! And don’t even get me STARTED on the idiotic bibliography rules!!!!!!

Did I mention that I have lost the ability of falling asleep on my own and now have to listening to calming sleep music (you know waterfalls, and waves and stuff)ย to make my head stop thinking and allow my body a few seconds of rest. Of course I wake up with the freaking sun, which NORMALLY I love but daaaaaaaamn I needs ma sleep too!!!!!!!!!!!

Also it’s still winter and everything is dark and so, so cold. And I hate the dark and the cold and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m gonna survive this. I know I will. But sweet cookie it’s gonna be a rough journey….

P.S.: You may have figured this out already, but my blogging schedule….practically nonexistent at the moment…. I’ll blog whenever I find the time. I hope you guys don’t mind too badly ๐Ÿ™‚ I just can’t have another responsibility right now.


Here comes the sun โ˜€๏ธ

(dudududuhh… Here comes the sun and I’ll say

It’s alright! Dadadadaaaa โ˜€๏ธย )

Yaaaay!!! Don’t you just love my singing? Oh stop you’re making my blush….!

Anyways THE SUN IS HERE!!!! Like daaaaamn girl it’s been AGES since I’ve looked at your blazing face.

So I decided to participate in another “Thinking Out Loud” post thingy ๐Ÿ™‚ I know I’ve done a few before but this one is going to be a proper one with bullet points and numbers and pictures and randomness (similar to this one here ๐Ÿ˜‰ )ย 

Ok. So those were the formalities, I’ll just quickly grab something to drink (this girl needs to keep hydrated) and we’ll meet back in five, ok? Aaaaand… BREAK!

(This is me trying to get to my drink before you people become bored ๐Ÿ˜› )

  • TENHUT! I am back let’s get started!!
  • Yes, I often use words I don’t know the meaning of, what’s your point?
  • Great, I just forgot everything I wanted to write…. Aaaaakwaaard…..
  • Ha! Got it again!!
  • Breakfast! Totally, absolutely, positutely adore it!! My personal favorites are overnight-oats because I do all the “hard work” the day before and then all I have to is let them sit in the fridge for the night and the next morning VOILA! perfect breakfast without the slightest bit of work. *purses lips and poses like a vogue model (Hahah I wish!) (Wow… My inner-voice is really mean, no wonder I’m so self-conscious all the time….)*

And sometimes if I have enough time left, I throw some milk foam over the whole thing ๐Ÿ˜€ maybe sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top, and at the end of the day (this phrase is used for metaphoric reasons only), it should look a little (read: a lot) like this:

Vivi's camera Pics 865

(Now I don’t mean to brag, but *ahem* … I made this picture myself ๐Ÿ˜› )

This is what breakfast is supposed to look like. So now we’ve got that settled…

  • Does anyone of you have even the faint memory of a red-headed superhero girl and her slightly wimpy but sweet sidekick and his little naked mole-rat? I believe they’re names sound something like Kim Possible, Ron Stopable and Rufus? Or something of that sort… Yeah me neither….
  • Remember how said red headed girl I have no memory of had this little computery, cellphoney device thingy?

(Oh this brings back memories….. Or not….)

I found the ringtone the device made and now use it for my cellphone!!!!! And I must say… I feel very cool whenever I get a text message ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Well the sun is completely gone now, and with it my will to live (wow, you should really stop making jokes like that, girl) stay awake. Did I tell you that I feel asleep while studying Latin vocab….? I believe that says it all (about my tiredness level and my dislike of Latin… Like come ON people it’s a dead language!! I could be learning so many other things and – BREATH WOMAN!!! – *pheeeeeeew* ok I’ll save this rant for a different post)
  • Goodbye my dear people!! Don’t forget to breath every now and then ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ™‚

(Hahaha I’m so funny.)


(Shut Up…)

I welcome change as long as nothing is altered or different :)

You know, as a teenager I keep changing my mind. (Ok, maybe it’s just me… Just…Go with it, ok?)

I change my mind about which T-Shirt is my favorite. I constantly have a different singer or music style I adore. I’ve switched from dream job to dream job more often than you can say “Quidditch”. (Anyone get the Harry Potter reference? ๐Ÿ˜› ) I’ve repeatedly decided I want to stop with this blog only to write a new post 2 days later. My need for a best friend constantly varies. I have a gazillion cities I want to live in when I grow up.

Ok, I think you get my point. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyways I used to be terrified of change and all those changes, especially the ones concerning my future. They would freak me out and I would become all panicky and scared. I had to have a plan for the future!! I needed a strict set of steps I could follow and if I did everything accordingly all would be perfect in the end. Whenever this wasn’t the case, whenever there wasn’t a precise agenda I could lean on to, I felt like I was drifting aimlessly in the dark.

What I’m trying to say is, the more I glide toward my 18th birthday (5th April, presents are more than welcome ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› โค ) I realize everything falls into place on it’s own. Does that make any sense??

Here, let me give you an example: The dream job I had fix my mind on wasn’t making me happy and excited anymore, however I refused to budge from the path I had so carefully constructed. Then one day my mom brought home the box set of Grey’s Anatomy (of course I had to start watching immediately, the safety of the world depended on it) and as I watched all those doctors, intern, nurses and whatnot bustle around I felt my heart expand and I started to feel all light and happy. That was when I just knew that medicine was the right thing for me.

A similar thing happened with my dream home town. I knew I didn’t want to stay in Austria (even though it’s beautiful, the weather just depresses me too much) I desperately researched this town and that, countries in the north, countries in the south, big cities, small cities…. But whatever I found just didn’t seem right, you know?

Then a couple of weeks ago I was flipping through a magazine, I don’t remember why it was featured in there, but I came across an article about New Zealand. (I think it was something about having more sheep than humans…)


I felt the swelling in my heart again and now I know, I know (bold, italic and, underlined for extra emphases ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) I want to at least try living in New Zealand. I can’t really explain it… Just this feeling. This deep satisfaction and… peace (?) as if I finally have at least a rough picture of where I belong.

Who knows, maybe I end up being a politician in Bratislava, but somehow I’m ok with that….

I’m finally not terrified of change anymore.



And here’s a cheesy quote to end this post juuuuust right ๐Ÿ˜‰ :
